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The game

TransforMOTion is an experience more than it is a game. The Theme for the Unijam 2023 during which it was created was "Everything changes". So, we went with the idea that words ("mot" in french) can change the world we see. In this you will be presented with random prompts on screen and will hav to choose one, every choice will affect the scene in front of your eyes and modify the feeling of it.

You can find it here 


What I did

I initially joined the Unijam 2023 not as a participant but as a helper for the students who took part in it. During the jam, some of the other helpers and I had a bit of free time so we decided to try to make a game as well. We decided on a simple concept and a small scope to accomodate for our late start and our double job.

I was in charge of creating the logic of the game. The system on which the game would interpret the prompts to react. I used some scriptable objects to bind words and reactions together and a manager to control the whole experience.

All-in-all the result remains very simple but I think the concept is strong and could have been pushed further with a bit more time.

©2019 by YannLaleuf. Created with

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